Psycho-educational Assessments

Assessment services are offered to individuals from one year old to senior adults.

What is a Psycho-educational assessment?

A psycho-educational assessment measures all five domains of human development: cognitive, physical, social, emotional and creativity. Furthermore, a psychoeducational assessment gives a differential diagnosis of how an individual is developing, and the psychological processes that underline:

1. Learning Potential
2. Mastery of Academic Skills
3. Social & Emotional Functioning
4. Behaviour Functioning

A differential diagnosis allows the psychologist to identify any developmental delays, disabilities or special needs (including gifted intelligence, which is also a special need), which would serve to impede upon an individual’s academic progress, career success, social and emotional capabilities and overall well being.

With knowledge of the above aforementioned, the proper interventions and/or therapies can be implemented to maximize the person’s ability to develop to their full academic and social potential.

Why are Psycho-educational assessments needed?

The information obtained through assessments can often lead to the diagnosing of learning and behaviour disabilities, anxiety and depressive disorders, or development disorders. 

Whether or not a diagnosis is made, assessment reports can help identify what individuals need to reach their potential. Assessment reports are also utilized by learning institutions to understand what additional learning support and services the individual requires. 

What is involved in a Psycho-educational assessment?

The assessment process begins with a 1-hour intake interview, which is followed by six or seven (one hour sessions), which are conducted over a 3 week period. The assessment process concludes consultations with teachers and a school observation. This is followed by a one-hour debriefing session with parents, whereby the findings of the assessment are discussed.  Lastly, a detailed, yet reader friendly, written report is given. These reports are 40 to 55 pages long, single spaced. 

Dr. Diana has conducted over 1,500 psycho-educational assessments. Of these, 99% of the individuals assessed — and their parents, teachers, and employers — have reported that the assessment was very helpful in understanding the person.

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